01473 462355

What parts do brace consist of?

The most visible parts of your braces are the square metal brackets. These are usually glued directly to your teeth. The brackets hold the main wire (called the archwire) in place. Smaller wires or tiny elastic bands fasten the archwire to the bracket.

If the brackets are not cemented directly to your teeth, they may be attached to a metal band that fits around the tooth like a belt. You will most likely have bands around your back molars.

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Do braces hurt?

IMG_6961_waxPutting braces on or fitting them certainly does not hurt. No needles or sharp objects of any kind are involved, and you don’t have to go to sleep to have them fitted! Removable braces simply clip onto the teeth; and fixed braces are glued to the teeth. After braces have been fitted, there may be some discomfort for a few days and most of the time your mouth usually adapts to the appliance after a day or two and the discomfort is usually temporary.
The level of this discomfort varies quite a bit from individual to individual. In general, the teeth may feel a little sore, slightly loose, and tender to biting pressure. Painkillers such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen which are normally taken for headaches would take care of any soreness or discomfort that may be experienced for the first few days.
Parts of the brace may rub on the lips, cheeks or tongue. There may also be increased saliva flow, and a minor temporary effect on speech. This is normal, and soon patients get used to wearing their brace and their speech will go back to normal.
If any part of the brace is causing discomfort against the lips or cheeks, a small piece of wax should be moulded to the part of the brace which is rubbing to act as a cushion.
We use the latest orthodontic braces, and advanced technology to ensure that right from the start very light gentle forces are applied to the teeth, thus minimising any discomfort.

Could you explain how braces fit step by step (Treatment steps)?

1. Before a brace is fitted, we use a cheek-retractor to create completely dry and clean teeth surface for properly fitted brace.


2. Your teeth are cleaned and conditioned

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How to take care of braces?

While wearing a brace, you need to take extra care of your teeth and gums, which means following a strict daily oral healthcare routine. Appliance should be cleaned by regular brushing around and between the bracket and next to the gums at least three times a day, especially after meals. A fluoride mouth rinse is recommended on a daily basis. If your gums bleed you are not keeping them sufficiently clean. Failure to keep the appliances clean can lead to progressive decay or permanent staining of the enamel.
Any hard, chewy and sticky foods can break your brace. Toffee, chewing gum, sweets, chocolate bars, toast etc. must be avoided. Also fizzy drinks including diet drinks, excessive amounts of fruit juice should be avoid. These contain acids which can damage your teeth, especially if they are not kept meticulously clean around the appliance brackets.
Really enjoyable hard foods can be cut in pieces and chewed gently at the back of your teeth! For your orthodontic treatment to work well and in the shortest possible time it is important you take care of your teeth and brace.
We will advise you on how to take care of your braces after they have been fitted and provide you with a instruction leaflet to take home.


It is important that you see your own dentist for regular examinations.

What are Separators (spacers)?

Separators are tiny blue rubber bands placed between the teeth to make room to fit molar bands needed for some appliances. You may experience some discomfort but will be gone in a few days.

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What are the elastics?

For the purpose of moving individual teeth or several teeth to improve your bite we use the elastics. These rubber bands sometimes wear from the back to the front or front to the back or just at the front teeth. You take the rubber bands out yourself when you eat and replace them yourself after you eat and change them every other day for a new one. If you need rubber bands, your orthodontist will give you a supply and show you how to place them.

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Will I need to wear anything in addition to the fixed brace?

It may be necessary for you at some stage during the treatment, to wear an expander or headgear and/or elastics. (see treatments)

What if I play a musical instrument?

If you play a wind instrument, particularly the flute or a brass instrument, then a fixed brace may make it more difficult. You will need to discuss this with your music teacher.

What do I do if my brace breaks?

Ring up for an appointment as soon as is reasonably possible. Do not wait for your next routine appointment as the breakage may slow your treatment, or may result in damage to your teeth. If you repeatedly break your brace treatment may be stopped.

What happens after the brace is removed? Will I need to see my regular dentist?

Yes. It will be important you still have check-ups with your regular dentist throughout orthodontic treatment so that your teeth can be checked for decay.

What is a removable appliance?

Removable appliances such as functional appliances, retainer, headgear can be removed from your mouth. These contain wire and plastic that fits into the top of your mouth. They are usually worn full-time. They should only be removed for cleaning, unless you are otherwise advised. When it is not in your mouth it should be in its protective box. Do not click the brace in and out with your tongue as this will break the wires and increase the length of time the treatment will take.
The problem with the removable appliances is that the plastic can chip. As long as the brace still fits this is not a problem. Sharp edges can be smoothed using fine sandpaper or an emery board. If a metal component breaks or if broken plastic is uncomfortable you must telephone for an appointment and probably you will need to make a new one.
Most commonly used removable appliance is the retainer.

What are functional appliances?

A functional appliance is one of the removable braces that works on the upper and lower teeth at the same time. This moves the lower jaw a little and at the same time pulls the upper front teeth back.
A Functional appliance must be worn as directed for approximately 12 to 18 months while the lower jaw is correctly altered.

You may experience some discomfort for a few days. If necessary take the correct dose of pain-killers. (Always read the instructions on the packet and never take medicines without first discussing with your parent or guardian). However, good wear produces good movement. This should average about 1 millimetre per month. Therefore, if your teeth protrude by ten millimetres, they should be fully retracted in about ten months.
Your speech may be different. You may also find some temporary swallowing difficulties. This is quite normal and will soon pass.
You may not be able to eat with your functional appliance in place. You will be advised about this. If you have been told to take it out for eating, make sure it is placed in a tough plastic box for safekeeping. For your orthodontic treatment to work well and in the shortest possible time it is important you wear your appliance. Its simple the more you wear it, the quicker it works.

What is an extraoral head gear?

Any appliance that you wear outside of your mouth is called an extraoral appliance. One of the most common ones is called headgear. Headgear is worn to move the upper teeth and jaw back.

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Opening Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8.30am -5.30pm
Closed for lunch 1.00pm - 2.00pm


310 Norwich Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 4HD




01473 462355


01473 462356

Important Notice:

We accept a minimum of one day notice before cancelling the appointment. More than one missed or cancelled appointments without giving notice may incur a charge. More than three missed appointments (without cancelling) may lead to the discontinuation of your treatment.

Occasionally we may need to rearrange clinics at short notice for a variety of reasons such as training courses or illness. We do sometimes run late, often due to emergency repairs or a previous patient arriving late - please bear with us and allow sufficient time.

Appointments and cancellations:

Usually your appointments will be at 3-5 week intervals. If you are unable to attend, please call and let us know as soon as possible by calling our practice.

In case of emergency:

For advice call:

01473 462 355

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07582 284659

If no one is there to answer, you will be asked either to leave a message or given an alternative telephone number to contact.

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