A functional appliance is one of the removable braces that works on the upper and lower teeth at the same time. This moves the lower jaw a little and at the same time pulls the upper front teeth back.
A Functional appliance must be worn as directed for approximately 12 to 18 months while the lower jaw is correctly altered.
You may experience some discomfort for a few days. If necessary take the correct dose of pain-killers. (Always read the instructions on the packet and never take medicines without first discussing with your parent or guardian). However, good wear produces good movement. This should average about 1 millimetre per month. Therefore, if your teeth protrude by ten millimetres, they should be fully retracted in about ten months.
Your speech may be different. You may also find some temporary swallowing difficulties. This is quite normal and will soon pass.
You may not be able to eat with your functional appliance in place. You will be advised about this. If you have been told to take it out for eating, make sure it is placed in a tough plastic box for safekeeping. For your orthodontic treatment to work well and in the shortest possible time it is important you wear your appliance. Its simple the more you wear it, the quicker it works.
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